Shiv Shakti Piles Clinic



Dr. SHRIVASTAV B. S. A. M. MUM, Dr.GUPTA B. Sc., B. A. M. S.



When the veins around the anus or in the rectum are swollen or inflamed is known as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, meaning inside the rectum and invisible, or outside the anus and visible. Internal hemorrhoids can prolapse, resulting in their appearance outside the body, and external hemorrhoids may become thrombosed, meaning blood vessels within them have broken and given them an ugly blue or purple appearance.

There are various type of HEMORRHOIDS, but maximum Causes, Symptoms, Signs Pains and Bleeding are common. There are different type of diseases. But one diseases famous in our mind is PILES


1. Straining during bowel movements.

2. Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet.

3. Chronic diarrhea or constipation.

4. Obesity.

5. Pregnancy.

6. Anal intercourse.

7. Low-fiber diet.


1. extreme itching around the anus.

2. irritation and pain around the anus.

3. an itchy or painful lump or swelling near your anus.

4. fecal leakage.

5. a painful bowel movement.

6. blood on your tissue after having a bowel movement.


1. Painless bleeding during bowel movements — you might notice small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl.

2. Itching or irritation in your anal region.

3. Pain or discomfort.

4. Swelling around your anus.

Alternative Common Names

Piles; Skin Tag; Masses; Lumps; External Hemorrhoids; Internal Hemorrhoids; Prolapsed Internal Hemorrhoids; Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids; Strangulated Haemorrhoids E.T.C.

First degree haemorrhoids are Piles, Skin tag, Masses in this cases of anal pain are minor and resolve themselves in minutes or hours without consequences


Piles are hemorrhoids that become inflamed. Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue in the anal canal - they are full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibers.

Skin Tag:

Skin tags are small, usually measured in millimeters, but can grow to a half-inch in length. A skin tag may start to develop without you’re even noticing. Once formed, they typically don’t get any bigger.


It’s a common name of piles witch contain small skin tag near the anus.

Second degrer haemorrhoids are External Hemorrhoids , Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids in this cases of anal pain are mild to moderate pain

External Hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins of the rectum or anus become inflamed because of too much straining in the area. External hemorrhoids are usually found beneath the skin that surrounds the anus. They are visible one that appear outside the anus. They are harmless until they are thrombosed. Thrombosis makes this type of piles to be painful. The main symptom of external haemorrhoids is itching and pain.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

This type of hemorrhoid is an external hemorrhoid that has prolapsed and formed a blood clot. These are very painful and might need to be treated as soon as possible to avoid exacerbation and further discomfort. However, fortunately, many minor thrombosed hemorrhoids resolve themselves after a few weeks, so if the pain is not unbearable, a patient may be able to wait them out. These are often the ugliest forms of hemorrhoids, because they become swollen, may turn purple or blue, and may burst, especially during elimination of solids. Their appearance may be scary, but not necessarily indicative of any serious health concerns. It is best to avoid irritation of the area and keep it as clean as possible to allow healing.

Third degree hemorrhids are Internal Hemorrhoids; Prolapsed Internal Hemorrhoids; Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids in this cases of anal pain are unbearable pain during and after the bowel movement.

Internal Hemorrhoids;

An internal hemorrhoid can prolapse, meaning it leaves the rectum and protrudes outside the body. Because prolapsed hemorrhoids extend past the anus and outside the body, they put pressure on the nerve endings at the anus and can be very painful. Those beginning to suffer slight pain in their rectum or in the area of the anus should know it can develop into a more dangerous form with time. Generally, there are two types of thrombosed hemorrhoids:

1. The internal thrombosis can be recognized by internal rectal bleeding usually caused by excessive tension due to solids elimination.

2. The external haemorrhoids is normally followed by externally prolapsing hemorrhoids causing discomfort, pain, and bleeding.

Prolapsed Hemorrhoids:

An internal hemorrhoid can prolapse, meaning it leaves the rectum and protrudes outside the body. Because prolapsed hemorrhoids extend past the anus and outside the body, they put pressure on the nerve endings at the anus and can be very painful. If you fear you may have prolapsed internal hemorrhoids, you can recognize them by their feel and appearance: they are said to feel like soft, puffy pads of skin and look pinker than the skin of the anus. Often, these hemorrhoids will recede back into the rectum on their own, or they may be pushed gently back into the rectum.

Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids:

Blood clots sometimes form within prolapsed external hemorrhoids, causing a very painful condition called a thrombosis. If that happens, the hemorrhoid can turn purple or blue, and could possibly bleed.

Forth degree hemorrhids are Strangulated hemorrhoids in this cases of anal pain are unbearable pain during and after the bowel movement and its remain out of the anus.


Strangulated Haemorrhoids: This is a complication of fourth degree internal haemorrhoid case. A hemorrhoid is a prolapsed (pushed out of the anus) swelling of the veins in the anal canal, in which its blood supply is completely cut off due to the contraction motions of the anal sphincter muscle (just like the word “strangulated” which suggests the meaning of strangled) is known as strangulated haemorrhoids.

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